“In his captivating photobook “BULLET,” Marco Marzocchi invites us on an intimate journey through the intricacies of his deeply personal quest for meaning. Consisting of 500 images of people, archives and landscapes, flanked by short texts, poems and material which has been gathered over several years, “BULLET” forms a summary of the 48 years which make up Marzocchi’s life until now. It is a search for the right questions to ask in order to make sense of past experiences.

Impulsive snapshots and short written notes which gradually become poems intersected by archival material form a dense rhythm of questions, suggested answers and yet deeper questions. Marzocchi skillfully navigates through the complexities of his own narrative, using the qualities of photography as a medium to articulate the ineffable, to trace connections and draw conclusions through association.

“BULLET” is a nuanced exploration of not just Marzocchi’s life but also the universal quest for understanding and searching for meaning”.

Lilli Weinstein,
photographer, project coordinator Dummy Award